My Happy Town guide was overjoyed to do the grunt work of recalculating my bill and doing whatever it is he does to instigate a re-billing. Aside from that, he was completely useless to provide any insight or assistance into the root problem that causes me to have to call and ask for a re-bill every other month, other than the suggestion that I read my own meter every other month and call it in before the estimated bill is calculated.
No. Just no.
He did admit that all Potomac Edison's estimated bills are wrong because it is based on last year's data that may be inaccurate. But he thinks that's okay because it will all even out the next time Potomac Edison comes to read my meter and issues me a correct bill.
But I did ask how much they were paying him that it doesn't matter in his own household if his utility bills fluctuate hundreds of dollars every month. Silence. Does he realize that seniors and people just barely hanging on month-to-month are on budgets and can't afford these monthly fluctuations caused by the fact that Potomac Edison hasn't been doing its job? More silence.
And then he had the audacity to ask if there was anything else he could do to "help" me.
Nope, this bi-monthly comedy routine makes me almost as giddy as a wagon full of puppies. :-)